UPDATE 14 Feb. 2021: Landing Page Money V2 has now been released.
If you read my How To Create Squeeze Pages The Stupidly Simple Way post, you’ll have noticed that I mentioned a landing page builder called Landing Page Monkey.
Today, several web-based tools are available for creating landing pages and in this in-depth Landing Page Monkey review I’ll look at this tool from a user’s perspective and how useful it really is.
Creating landing pages / squeeze pages / optins /lead capture pages (the terms are interchangeable) used to be difficult, especially if you wanted a video background behind your optin form.
My Landing Page Monkey Overview
Program Owners: PromoteLabs Inc.
Website URL: landingpagemonkey.com
Training Material: 86 out of 100
Support: 98 out of 100
Ease of Use: 97 out of 100
Page Customization: 92 out of 100 (see below)
Price: $37 per year
EmailListBuildingTechniques.com Rating: 93 out of 100
What This Tool Does
It does what it says on the tin – it creates landing pages. This is a web-based tool so there’s nothing to install on your PC or Mac.
Training Materials
You need to learn how to use any new tool and one of the things that makes it more likely that you’ll actually use it is the training that’s provided.
Landing Page Monkey provides 7 basic video tutorials to get you oriented with the tool:
- Introduction
- Step 1 – Page Styling
- Step 2 – Page Content
- Step 3 – Autoresponder Integration
- Links and Codes
- Integrate to WordPress
- Your Dashboard and what the Statistics mean
These are all you need to get started but there are a further 5 advanced training videos on how you can customize your pages further:
- Step 4 – Script Integration
- Advanced Box Design Options
- Advanced Button Design Options
- Advanced SEO Options
- Advanced Video Options
There is also an extensive FAQ section where over 100 common (and not so common) questions are answered.
So there’s still plenty of training on hand.
The software is very intuitive to use, so you probably won’t need to consult the training all that much anyway.
Customer Support
Sometimes, with any product or service, you need to contact the owners for help to resolve an issue you have.
For me, customer support is very important because if a company is willing to put resources into this part of their business, then it means they think highly of their customers and value them and their experience with their product.
Landing Page Monkey uses a Messenger-style support system. An orange button in the bottom right corner of the screen activates it.
Initially, you’re prompted to enter the topic you’re looking for an answer to, and asked to search their knowledge base to see if your answer lies there.
If you need further assistance, you can send a message to the Support team. They will respond as quickly as possible but you will receive an email reply rather than a reply directly in the message box in your back office.
Depending on what time zone you’re in, you may have to wait a bit longer for a reply and I’ve received responses within hours.
Their team are very knowledgeable and you’ll get an informative response rather than a stock reply.
Ease of Use
I have to say that this landing page generator software is very easy to use. It’s the easiest of these types of tool that I’ve used anyway.
Here’s what the Create Page screen looks like:
Click the image for a full-size view
Squeeze pages have a simple format – a section which advertises the offer and collects names and emails, which floats over a background.
Landing Page Monkey makes it very easy to change your form’s header text, sub-header text and any additional text you want to appear on your page. You can also change font types, styles and colors.
There is also an option to add a video into your form should you wish.
Additional options let you add a video background to your squeeze page and a logo if you have one.
One thing to be aware of is that recent versions of the Chrome browser will no longer autoplay videos with soundtracks. You may have seen the effect of this on websites you’ve recently visited – there’s a video in a prominent position on a page and it’s bottom third is covered by thumbnails of recommended videos.
These are all videos set to autoplay when the page loads and all have a soundtrack. The thinking behind forcing such videos not to play in Chrome is that they’re too annoying for users. Google doesn’t give you the option to allow autoplaying videos in Chrome or not. It’s made the decision for you.
These videos will still autoplay in Internet Explorer, Edge and Firefox (at least currently). I assume they’ll autoplay in other browsers too. But Chrome has become the most popular browser in use today so it’s a good idea to make sure your pages will work as you want in it.
So if you want to use a background video on your landing pages, make sure that you tick the Mute option to the right of the Background Video box. Videos without sound will still autoplay in Chrome.
And if you want to add videos with soundtracks into your landing pages (not as background videos), turn off the autoplay option entirely (see the Step 2 – Page Content section in the screenshot below).
Autoresponder Integration
This is probably going to be the most difficult aspect of using this tool for newbies. Three autoresponder services are supported from the outset – Aweber, GetResponse and MailChimp.
The setup for each of these is different.
If you want to integrate with a different autoresponder, you need to select the Custom option and paste in the code that your autoresponder provides. You’ll have to learn where to find this code in your specific autoresponder.
Why do you need this integration?
Because the names and email addresses collected by your squeeze pages have to be saved somewhere so that you can communicate with them at a later date. That’s where the autoresponder service comes in and why you need to tell Landing Page Monkey where to send your subscribers’ info.
If you’re looking for an autoresponder service, check out the mini-reviews I have in my How To Create Squeeze Pages The Stupidly Simple Way post.
Script Integration
The final section of the landing page editor is for script integration. This lets you add your Google Analytics code, for example, or Facebook pixels, etc.
You can also paste in code provided by other PromoteLabs Inc. tools but this isn’t a feature I’ve used myself.
Page Customization
Squeeze pages by their very nature have a standard format – an optin form floating over a background.
Given the limitations of such a page, Landing Page Monkey does offer very good customization options.
You can change text, fonts, colors and styles. You can add a video onto your form and/or add a video as your page’s background. Your opt-in form can be positioned at the left, in the middle or at the right of the page.
There’s no option to position your optin form vertically.
Click the image for a full-size view
There are 34 animations you can apply to your optin form to grab a visitor’s attention.
One issue to be aware of where text is concerned is that the various text boxes have limited lengths. They should be long enough for your heading and attention grabbing message but if your text is too long, you’ll have to edit it to make it fit.
Pasting text into boxes can be a bit problematic as Ctrl-V doesn’t work on PCs (I don’t know about the equivalent on Macs). Right-clicking on a text box and selecting the Paste option from the popup menu does work.
Advanced Page Customization
When you initially log into LandingPage Monkey, you’re in the Basic Edit Mode. For those who want some extra customization options, there is an Advanced Edit Mode.
Click the image for a full-size view
This section gives you more control over how your optin box appears on your squeeze page. Options include box transparency, whether it has a shadow, if it has a border, how rounded the corners are and how wide the box is on the page.
You can also set what font is used on the button and how rounded the button corners are.
If you want to improve the SEO of your page, you can add a page title and meta-description.
Lastly, you can set the start position (in seconds) of your background video (if you use one).
Getting The Subscriber
Traditional squeeze pages place an optin form with name and email boxes on the squeeze page.
What gets a better response though, is placing a button on the optin page that says Access Now >>>, Download Here, Get It Now!, Give It To Me!, etc.
And when they click the button, it’s then that they’re asked to give you their email address and name.
The psychology behind this is that by clicking the button, your visitor has already committed to getting what you have to offer, without having to give up any of their information.
Then, when they’re presented with boxes to fill in, they’re much more likely to follow through.
It seems to work.
Tracking Your Results
Your Landing Page Monkey dashboard lists all of the pages you’ve created.
Click the image for a full-size view – some page names have been blurred out
Each page’s stats are listed – how many times it’s been displayed (Imps – impressions), how many times the optin-form has been filled out and submitted (Submits), the percentage of visitors who took action on your landing page (Action %), the number of Tracking Pixel hits (TP Hits) and the percentage of people who triggered your tracking pixel (TP %).
Landing Page Monkey provides a tracking pixel for each page you create that you can add to your Thank you page – the page you send subscribers to once they click the button on your landing page.
This statistic lets you see how many times that thank You page is being accessed. You would expect it to be about the same as the number of submits. perhaps less. Sometimes visitors don’t get redirected to pages as you’d expect. They may shut down their browser before the page loads; there could be power outages or internet outages, etc.
The TP Hits on the first line in the screenshot above is significantly higher than the number of submits (it’s for an offer I’m no longer promoting). That’s because my subscribers repeatedly returned to read the Thank You page.
The Action buttons are pretty self-explanatory. The Clone button allows you to create a copy of the selected page so you can modify it without changing the original.
You could use this feature to split test your landing pages – changing one thing on a page at a time – the headline, the image, the video, subheadline etc. You can then see from the stats which version of the page is performing better.
And then rinse and repeat. This is how the gurus hone their landing pages until they get very high Action Percentages.
Squeeze Page Examples
Here are a few squeeze page examples I created with LandingPage Monkey:
Kingdom Come Deliverance is Out – this is a video squeeze page with a single button to click to buy the game. No optin information is required. Creating a page like this for a product you’re an affiliate of could be a good way to boost sales!
I used a trailer for the game as the background video. The squeeze page is hosted on PromoteLabs’ server.
Warning: There is some offensive language at the beginning of the video.
Bitcoin Informant – a squeeze page for anyone interested in cryptocurrencies. No freebies are offered. The page uses a Call To Action button (KEEP ME IN THE CRYPTO LOOP >>>) to entice visitors to sign up. After they click the button, they’re asked to sign up by providing their email address.
I found a video of a rotating Bitcoin to use as a video background. This page is also hosted on PromoteLabs’ server.
Internet Marketing Strategies Newsletter (this link now redirects to a differently designed page on its own domain) – this squeeze page offers 3 gifts to anyone who signs up to my affiliate marketing newsletter. Again, a Call to Action button (CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP!) is used to get the visitor to commit to wanting the gifts. And at that point they’re asked to enter their email address.
For this squeeze page example, I selected a video of waves crashing on a tropical beach. It serves as an inspirational message that affiliate marketing gets you the good life! 🙂
This time I downloaded the file that Landing Page Monkey gave me and uploaded that to my site. I renamed the file as newsletter.html. This means that the web address for this squeeze page appears to be on my domain and has a relevant name. So it should be more appealing to potential subscribers than an ugly link.
Other Examples
Here are two other squeeze page examples created by other users (again, I’ve removed the links since LandingPage Monkey has been removed):
Get Over 1,000 Top Secret Recipes – this example uses a static image as a background and puts the promotional video front and center in the optin box. The button below the video takes the visitor directly to the product. No email addresses collected.
Papa Bob’s – this pizza parlor uses this squeeze page to entice customers by offering coupons to anyone who hands over their email address. No videos on this one but because of the selection of the background image and the design of the optin box, it looks very professional.
There’s only one major con I can think of with LandingPage Monkey. And that’s that it can’t add exit popups to the landing pages it creates.
Now popups are a pain for us marketers when we come across them. But for non-marketers they are proven to increase conversions and sales.
So the exclusion of a feature that lets you create these exit pops might be a deal breaker.
If you’re just dipping your toe into the world of landing pages, then you won’t need exit pops and you won’t miss them.
However, if you are more advanced and looking to add exit pops into your sales funnels, then here are some alternative options:
WordPress Plugins
- InstaBuilder 2.0 (my recommended option)
- OptimizePress
- Profit Builder
Standalone Squeeze Page Builders
These services require a monthly subscription and are for marketers with more experience and who are familiar with what sales funnels are and why they’re such a good way of getting more sales and leads from the traffic that lands on your squeeze pages.
- Builderall (my recommended option)
- GrooveFunnels
- Clickfunnels
- LeadPages
Final Thoughts
I hope in this Landing Page Monkey review that I’ve shown you just how easy it is to create effective squeeze pages that will appeal to your visitors.
I’ve shown how to create squeeze pages that look for a visitor’s email address and name, how you can use videos as animated backgrounds or as a sales video to drive people to an offer and how to create landing pages that pre-sell products or services to a visitor.
While Landing Page Monkey isn’t perfect, it’s a fantastic tool for the price. $97 per year is nothing for the amount of pages you can create with this tool (but you can save 50% on fees anyway with the coupon code on the checkout page).
You don’t have to worry about coding or have any website building knowledge to use this online tool. All it takes to build a landing page is some point-and-click with a little bit of copy & paste and typing in text.
And the pages you build are hosted for you. The only thing you need to do is promote your page link!
It’s a great way to start building landing pages and get to learn what works in getting visitor response and what doesn’t.
It’s a tool I’m loving more and more as I use it myself. And it’s the best landing page creator at its very low price point.
Verdict: Highly Recommended (but no longer available)
My Bonuses
If you decide to get LandingPage Monkey yourself and order it through any of my links on this page, I’ll give you 6 value-added exclusive bonuses, worth $750, that will help you excel in your list building efforts! 🙂
These are just two of the bonuses:
I hope you’ve found this Landing Page Monkey review helpful and that it’s given you plenty of ideas on what kind of things you can promote and build opt-in pages for. If you have any comments or questions, please have your say below…

All the best,
Gary Nugent
Check out my Instagram posts and reels here:
Follow me (@garynugentmentoring) on Instagram
P.S.: Don't forget, if you want to create an internet income of your own, here's one of my recommended ways to do that:

Landing Page Monkey seems like a great tool to use in email marketing, easy to use, just fill the blanks about what I want to sell. It saves time. Thank you for the information. I will put your page in my favorites to future reference.
I haven’t found an easier-to-use squeeze page builder, especially at its price point, ebfi. 🙂
This is a great article. I bookmarked it so I can go through it a few more times.
This subject is interesting to me, especially as several email list management apps are starting to integrate landing pages into their services. It’s interesting to see all the things LPM offer and compare it to the offerings of, say, GetResponse. A lot of those services are in their infancy, so it’s interesting to see what a service offers that’s specifically dedicated to it.
I’ve been getting some conflicting information on the value of landing pages in today’s SEO landscape. I’d be really interested to hear your thoughts. I mean, obviously you’re a supporter, but I’d be interested in hearing you flesh that out.
Thanks for your feedback, Phil. The fact that various services are starting to incorporate landing page builders shows that they’re still an effective means of converting traffic. Companies wouldn’t waste funds on business components that don’t work.
Landing pages, like everything else, evolve over time. Back in the early days, they were crude and ugly pages. Many entrepreneurs made a lot of money simply from building landing and squeeze pages and skipping the whole blogging thing. Nowadays we have landing pages with video backgrounds and animated effects making the optin form appear on the page.
A service like Landing Page Monkey lets you create an online business promoting products and offers, building an email list as you go along, all without needing to have created your own website. Your landing pages are even hosted for you.
Copywriting is still key to success though as your pages have to appeal to visitors in order to get the submit.
But as a tool for building your email lists, they’re still one of the best options around. There are other methods for building an email list but each has its own strengths and weaknesses.
The Monkey makes creating pages very cost effective at $37/year. The more pages you create, the less each one costs individually.
I find as I use the tool, I’m getting more ideas for using landing/squeeze pages, from pre-selling visitors on, for example, a product on Amazon, to giving away free gifts to entice people to subscribe to my list. And then I can email them multiple offers over time and engage with them to develop trust and a relationship.
Email marketing is more personal than blogging if you do it the right way. Your subscribers are locked to you while they remain on your list. Blogs get a lot of drive-by visitors. They may engage with you by leaving a comment but they’ll likely never return – there’s too much to see and do on the internet!
So the squeeze page ties them to you. And for that reason I think until something radically more effective comes along, squeeze pages will have a vital role to play in internet marketing.
Hi Gary. Your review is a bookmarker for me – landing pages are as yet unknown territory in my blogging world.
LPM really seems like something I could use. Thanks for all the details!
Glad the review proved useful, Dianne.
This is a wonderful post and is very informative; nothing should be hard to figure out. Fill in the information that you want displayed in the boxes, the colors and you’re set to go. I already use MailChimp, but not a landing page.
Thanks for the comment, Fred. One thing I’d say about MailChimp is that they’re unfriendly to people in the internet or affiliate marketing niches. There’s something in their Terms of Service about those niches. Otherwise, they’re a great company to get started with when building a list.
Hi, I love the article. I bookmarked for future reference. It looks like a great email marketing tool. I will have to check it out. Thank you so much. It was a great read.
Thanks, Hong. Appreciate the feedback.
Hi Gary,
Wow! $37 per year is a steal for what we receive. I find it hard to believe they can survive on that price. Leadpages is one of the services I used to use and they charged much more. I wonder if other companies are taking us for a ride with their prices?
Anyway, you mentioned that landing page generators are always progressing. Have you heard of Sendlane? It is more expensive but starts at $25 per 1000 subscribers.
With this product, the autoresponder and landing page generator is offered within the same service so no need to register with an outside autoresponder service and integrate. Of course, the option is there but it is not necessary.
This may end up being cheaper overall instead of owning both separately. I believe this is the way things are progressing.
What do you think?
Thanks for the informative post. It’s going to help a lot of marketers on a tight budget.
I have heard of Sendlane, Devan. I don’t use them myself but I’ve heard good things about it.
Subscribing to a lot of autoresponder services at once is quite expensive, so I can’t test every one out first-hand! I don’t know of any autoresponder service that provides the facility to add video backgrounds to squeeze pages, so that’s one feature where Landing Page Monkey shines.
All autoresponders provide a way of building optin forms and basic landing pages. But they tend to be the standard “fill in your name and email address” type. Landing Page Monkey lets your visitors ask for your lead magnet first and then asks for name and email. So your visitors have already crossed a barrier by asking you for your freebie rather than you asking them if they’d like it. So your visitors are now pro-active rather than re-active.
$37 per year is a steal for that additional flexibility.
Awesome article on how to use Landing Page Monkey. I have been looking for an alternative to my current landing page builder which I use lead pages but this may be what I switch to next.
I have bookmarked your page and will return if I can’t find anything else and I will sign up for Landing Page Monkey.
Glad you found the review useful, Mike. What do you think of LeadPages?
Hello Gary, wow this was an encyclopedia of information! I cannot possibly take it all in. Will have to come back and read it again. What I did get is that the mystery of how we do our sales campaigns is using the best of the tools we can access. So thank you for helping to make that decision.In peace and gratitude, ariel
Thanks, Ariel. Landing Page Monkey is a great tool for cranking out squeeze pages. I used to originally create mine manually by writing the HTML code in Notepad! Automation and efficiency save so much time that can be devoted to other aspects of our businesses.