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  1. Have to say I was on the fence with Systeme. I’ve been using Clickfunnels for years but, as you say, it is expensive for what it offers. I only have the old “Clickfunnels Classic” plan which costs me $97 and has low enough limitations that I keep butting up against them. Paying the same fee to Systeme instead would give me unlimited everything as you point out. Seems like a no-brainer.

    But no tool suits everyone. So I opened a free Systeme account as you suggested and played around with it. How different tools interconnect is a bit confusing (at least to start with) and every tool has its own way of doing things.

    I’ve got 20 funnels in my maxxed-out Clickfunnels account and transferring them them to a new platform could be problematical. Any thoughts or advice you could offer on that?

    Otherwise, thanks for a great and comprehensive review.

    • Thanks for letting me know you found my review useful, Pedro.

      I was with Clickfunnels too for a time so I can sympathize with you where hitting account limits are concerned. I also found that the pages I built on Clickfunnels were loading too slowly for my liking. Not something I would have expected with a big company like that. Did you have any slow page load issues yourself?

      Yeah, every tool has its quirks. I moved over to Builderall after abandoning Clickfunnels because it was cheaper and offered more features. I actually rebuilt a handful of funnels in Builderall but there was no way to import the funnels I created with Clickfunnels to it. So I ended up abandoning some funnels and built entirely new funnels on Builderall.

      But, to my mind, Builderall doesn’t work in an intuitive way. Their page builder is better than Systeme’s and Clickfunnels Classic’s but the major issue I had with Builderall was with their integrated MailingBoss email autoresponder. I found how this worked to be completely counter-intuitive (to me) and my frustration with that and Builderall’s constantly changing prices made me look elsewhere.

      When you sign up with Builderall, your fees are not locked in as they are with Systeme and Clickfunnels. Builderall’s fees go up and down in reaction to the market and I found it annoying that I couldn’t be sure I’d budgeted enough for my online business from month to month. But others love the platform.

      That’s when I found Systeme, and switched over to using it. When I was cancelling my Builderall account, I accidentally deleted everything during the cancellation process and Builderall told me that they could not recover all the assets I’d built there, even if I resubscribed (which would have been at a higher price than I’d initially joined at).

      So, with Systeme, I went back to Square One and started building funnels from scratch. I also imported and used some funnels that other Systeme members provided for free in the Systeme Creators Facebook Group. I’ve also bought a couple of Master resell Rights courses, such as the Millionaire Digital Marketing Plan, Selling Other People’s Courses and the Zero To Profit Blueprint, that were built on Systeme and so could also be imported there.

      As to your question about importing funnels from Clickfunnels into Systeme, yes you can do this. This article explains what’s involved.


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