There’s a right and a wrong way to go about list building as there is with anything. These days, you need to know how to build an email list the smart way so that your efforts pay off rather than being a waste of time.
So, why should anyone join your particular email list?
Is it because you’re an expert in your field providing sage advice for those who seek your guidance?
Or are you a typical internet marketer simply trying to get people onto your list so that you can make money from them?
Let’s face it, 99% of us fit into that latter description.
The money is in the list after all!
So why should some random stranger who visits your site, someone who doesn’t know you from Adam, hand over their email address and maybe their name to you?
Put yourself in their shoes. How likely would you be to sign up to someone’s list?
And, if you do sign up, what motivated you to do so?
The most obvious reason is that your list offers them information about something they’re interested in.
But is that enough?
If you’re in a small niche, it probably is. If you’re in a large niche, then you need to appeal to your visitors more than your competition does.
And the best way to do that is to provide incentives for people to hand over their email addresses.
Using Incentives To Get Subscribers
These are usually in the form of free reports, ebooks and courses.
Once you do get someone to subscribe, you need to keep them on your list.
This is also somewhere you want to differentiate yourself from the competition.
You need to provide value to your subscribers.
Don’t just send them endless promotions for the latest and greatest products. Teach them. Educate them. Talk to them. Let them get to know you as a real person and not as some autobot that spews out one promotional email after another.
Your Squeeze Pages
I’ve already discussed how to create a lead capture page (also known as a squeeze page or landing page) in this post, so I won’t reiterate that here. Having quality pages plays a significant role in your conversion rates (how many people who visit your squeeze page who then actually subscribe).
The best lead capture page system you can start with is Landing Page Monkey. It’s inexpensive and lets you create a wide variety of pages. I have a review of it here.
If money is tight, you can use free lead capture pages instead. These are pre-designed templates usually designed to provide a fixed incentive for someone to subscribe. By “fixed”, I mean that you are not able to change what’s offered to potential subscribers.
You need to subscribe to these free services in order to promote your own lead capture pages. Still, it’s a zero-cost way of getting started with list building and there’s at least a half-decent offer attached to get subscribers to opt in.
What Is A Lead Magnet?
You may have heard the term lead magnet before. If not, it’s something you give away to subscribers to incentivize them to join your list.
Obviously, you’ll get a far better sign-up rate if you offer something that’s related to your niche. There’s no point in offering an ebook about Bass Fishing if your list is aimed at internet marketers or golf enthusiasts.
The lead magnet should always be appropriate to the audience you’re targeting.
You don’t have to limit yourself to just one lead magnet per lead capture page. You can offer more if you like. Though don’t overdo it. It can lead to a false expectation with your subscribers expecting you’ll be giving them lots of free stuff. And when they don’t get it, they end up unsubscribing.
You’ve probably come across Private Label Rights products before. These are products you buy the rights to use so you can give them away as bonuses or optin incentives or even sell.
The problem is that a huge number of people use these same products and your subscribers have possibly seen them before, or already own them.
You want your optin incentives to be as unique and exclusive as possible. That improves your chances of pulling in subscribers.
But creating unique products like this takes time, effort and energy. And that’s if you’re intimately acquainted with your niche and know what you’re talking about.
What if you’re in a niche where you’re no expert?
That’s where Buzzinar comes in. Now you have to fill out a small questionnaire to see if you qualify to join it, but most people pass that initial test.
What it does is provide you with two fully fledged lead magnets each month.
Each includes a report, an ebook, and audio and video recordings of the ebook and report. You can edit the content if you wish. But what you do have are two products that you can promote each month.
Typical use of these is to use the report, or maybe the ebook to incentivize people to sign up to your email list and then offer them the audio or video presentations for a small fee once they join your list.
You also get the squeeze page template files so you have a professionally produced squeeze page right off the bat.
Products are in a variety of niches, so you can test the waters in niches you never considered before. If your list associated with that product and niche does well, you could always expand further into that niche.
These products are created by marketers for marketers and are top quality. It’s a great way to leapfrog all the hard work in creating your own products and being able to start building lists in different niches while offering relevant, quality incentives for people to sign up.
That’s how to build an email list the smart way. Now it’s all down to the traffic you drive to your pages. That’s where you should put your energy!
If you found this post useful or you have anything to say about building a list, please sound off in the comments below 🙂
My Bonuses
Buzzinar provides 2 fully-fledged lead magnets per month and training in how to promote them so you’re far more successful in getting subscribers.
But I want you to have even more opportunities and lead magnets to use to build your lists. So I’m offering 18 additional bonuses that will help you with your conversions and driving traffic from different sources.
This includes 1 year of free membership in Surefire Wealth which gives you a huge number of products that you can also use as lead magnets to sweeten the deal for your subscribers.
- Buzzinar – use this to build a big and profitable list super fast
- Get a Free Squeeze Page – start building your list for free
- Landing Page Monkey – what I use to create my squeeze pages (my review is here)

All the best,
Gary Nugent
Check out my Instagram posts and reels here:
Follow me (@garynugentmentoring) on Instagram
P.S.: Don't forget, if you want to create an internet income of your own, here's one of my recommended ways to do that:

Hi Gary,
You have a really nice layout and it is really easy to read and follow. It brings a lot of value, because i am just starting out to learn about these things you are talking about in the post, definitely worth to save under bookmarks. Keep up the good work.
Thanks, Oliver. I’ll be having a lot more to talk about in upcoming posts 🙂
Have to check out your recommended Buzzinar…it sounds like it can fill a need. I like to give away free Ebooks and reports to induce list signups. They take a long time to create and time is precious to me. Thank you.
You’re right, Annie, creating your own reports and ebooks takes a lot of time. It’s even more difficult if you’re trying to create a product for a niche you’re not an expert in. Getting access to pre-created content is a great way to go. Buzzinar is great for that. They provide content for a variety of niches, not just Internet Marketing products.
Hi Gary,
Very clear guidelines about how to attract people to your list. One tip I picked up recently, as an alternative to a pdf report is to offer a short course or set of tips that are delivered by email once a week. Why? To encourage people to stay on your list long enough to build trust and develop the relationship so that they will be more likely to stay.
All the best,
David Hurley
Thanks, David. I do something similar to you for the mailing list on this site. I provide a weekly video tutorial, a weekly newsletter, a monthly full-color mini-magazine and a monthly 32-page full-color magazine, along with tips and advice. It’s very important to give your subscribers value!
I am not very good at email lists yet so your article is timely for me. I will check out what you are saying and offering. I need to get serious about building my email lists! I was planning to write an ebook but that hasn’t happened yet!
I avoid list building for several years myself, Cynthia. Back then, if you wanted to offer a quality product, you pretty much had to write it yourself. And that required (and still does) a lot of time. From a productivity and efficiency standpoint, I think it’s better to use a professionally created report or ebook to save that time that you could put to better use.
I found your article most helpful. I’m in the process of list building for my websites. I will try to incorporate some of your recommendations. Thank You!
You’re welcome, James. Good to hear that my post proved useful! 🙂
Hi Gary. I am at the very beginning of this list building phase so I appreciate your outline here. It is a lot to learn!
I have bookmarked this post for more review of your recommendations!
The tools I talk about on this site make list building a lot easier than it was when I first started dabbling in it about 10 years ago. I have to admit that at that time I did think it was far too much work. But now I see it as the sustainable, beating heart of any online business. More recommendations in the pipeline!
Thanks for this article Gary, really informative and with some great tips.
I have just started to look into email marketing, prepared a free eBook give away but as yet have not set it up to “capture” my audience – your article came in just in time!
With Gratitude – Orion
You’re certainly on the right track, Orion, with your free ebook. Good to hear that my post was useful! 🙂
Thanks Gary,
I am new to internet marketing and I am still in the process of building out my list. I liked your recommendation for landing page monkey. I will need to go and check that out. I wish I had something to offer my website visitors. Like you said thought I need to make sure that the product being offered is a good match for my audience. I will have to keep looking around. Thanks for sharing.
Take a look at Buzzinar, Glenys. It provides material in a variety of niches that you can use as giveaways for subscribers. You get two complete packages per month, each of which includes a report, and ebook, a video course (you can give this away or use as an upsell), an audio course and a squeeze page for the product. These packages save a huge amount of your time. I’m providing 18 additional bonuses to anyone who buys though my links, one of which is a 1 Year Membership in Surefire Wealth which provides even more material you can use as lead magnets.