Email List Building Techniques Email Marketing Techniques Email Marketing Strategies In 2018 – First Steps To List Building

Email Marketing Strategies In 2018 – First Steps To List Building

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Email Marketing 2018: Ist Steps to List Building

Email marketing is vitally important for any online business. It’s a great way to increase your brand, build a list and build trust. So what are the best email marketing strategies to use in 2018?

The first is to realize that the value of an email marketing campaign is that it allows you to connect with a particular audience over and over again.

It’s a marketing method that can easily be abused, even unintentionally. You need to provide real value to your subscribers in the information, tips and advice you give them. Don’t just think that because they’re on your list that they’ve signed up to have one promotional email after another fired at them.

That’s a sure-fire way to get people to unsubscribe from your list. And those who remain on your list will probably just ignore your emails.

You want your subscribers to look forward to receiving emails from you. Emails that they will learn something useful from.

Here’s what you’ll learn about email marketing strategies in this webinar:

  • How Email Marketing (Visually) Works
  • When is a good time to start email marketing?
  • Broadcast Vs Drip Campaigns
  • List of the best Email Service Providers (also known as Autoresponders)
  • Setting up your 1st campaign
  • Let’s Get Started LIVE!
  • Q&A Session

The webinar is provided by Wealthy Affiliate and you have to be a member to watch the webinar. However, you can sign up as a free member so there’s no financial commitment to watch this. You can remain a free member as long as you want.

The webinar also looks at how you need to understand your audience and how they think, so you can communicate with them in an effective way and build an ongoing relationship with them.

Having the right provider is crucial, both in terms of cost and in the niches they support. For example, MailChimp is not favorable towards the internet and affiliate marketing niches.

So which is the best email service provider to use? You’ll have to watch the webinar ! 🙂

Complying With The CAN-SPAM Act

One thing that seems to stop people from building their own lists is a requirement by some email service providers for you to have a real postal address at the end of each email.

This is necessary for comply with CAN-SPAM Act.

Now you may not want to give out your home address in emails for a variety of reasons. So how do you get a real business address that you can use for your emails?
You could rent a P.O. Box. Or you could use your business address if you have one. If you work for someone, your employer probably won’t appreciate you using their business address, certainly not without their permission.

If you don’t have the budget to cover renting a P.O. Box or you’re looking for a free address, then your best bet is to open a free account with PPOBox. This gives you a free dedicated mailbox and shipping address in the USA, UK and soon in Hong Kong.

This webinar​ was created for Wealthy Affiliate Premium members. It’s an example of the fantastic training material that members have access to. New webinars like this are added every week and there’s also a huge archive of material available to members.

Watch the 1st Steps To List Building Webinar Here:

Email Marketing 2018 - First Steps To List Building

Webinars In This Series

Here are some additional free webinars, from other sources, about email marketing and list building:

The Beginner Friendly Blueprint To Building A Passive Online Income Using Nothing But Email
Sarah Staars List Building Webinar

Build Your List & Audience From Scratch Using "Viral Hacking"

I hope you found these email marketing strategies webinars useful. If you’ve any questions about them or about email marketing in general, please leave a comment below…


All the best,

Gary Nugent

Check out my Instagram posts and reels here:

Follow me (@garynugentmentoring) on Instagram


P.S.: Don't forget, if you want to create an internet income of your own, here's one of my recommended ways to do that:

Free Training Resources

9 thoughts on “Email Marketing Strategies In 2018 – First Steps To List Building”

  1. I believe Email Marketing is crucial for operating a successful online business.

    Having that connection and building a trust with your readers is essential. Encouraging them to come back time and time again with your latest information or offer.

    This is often overlooked by some business owners, to their downfall.

    Great information and thank you for sharing.


    1. Thanks for taking the time to comment, Chris. Sounds like we’re on the same page about email marketing! 🙂

  2. Thank you for very helpful post on email marketing. It is on my agenda to accomplish very soon.

  3. Hi Gary, I completely agree with you about the importance of email marketing.

    Knowing that the typical buyer has to get to know you, with at least 7 points of contact, prior to developing the trust to buy from you, developing a relationship through email sure helps! Thank you for the great reminders and points about email marketing!

  4. Thanks for this useful outline of email marketing. It is on my list for my blog development and I plan to study the Wealthy Affiliate webinar soon! I particularly appreciate the reference to the mail box site.

    1. Took me a while to find that site, Dianne! I’m pretty sure there used to be several places you could get free business addresses online, but when I went looking I couldn’t find any of them!

  5. When I first started in Internet Marketing I thought that emails were something from the past. After all, young people hardly use it anymore …

    But once I started digging into this topic, it became clear to me that email marketing is still a very powerful tool and it should remain like that for years to come. Thanks for the valuable email marketing strategies webinars.

    1. Hi Elaine. I was there at the dawn of the email age, early in my programming career. It’s fundamentally remained the same in all the time since. It even pre-dates the world wide web! There’s still nothing like it for sending personalised messages to lots of people. Facebook’s Messenger app may become a competitor of sorts but not everyone wants to have a Facebook account. Especially given the recent privacy violation stories. Everyone with an internet connection has an email account though!

      Glad you enjoyed the webinars.

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