The most challenging part of list building is convincing your visitors to hand over their email addresses to you. This hurdle can be overcome with a compelling optin form or squeeze page that provides a great experience for your visitors.
Join Jay in this webinar where he will walk you through everything you need to know about building an Awesome Opt-in Form.
What’s covered:
- Why email marketing is still the most effective marketing strategy today, despite the proliferation of social media
- A quick recap of what was covered in the previous webinar (emailing out your blog posts)
- What is an optin form?
- Opt-in form best practices
- Where to place your optin form
- An example of an awesome optin form funnel
- Let’s build an optin form LIVE!
- Q&A Session
The webinar only looks at optin forms and not squeeze pages. They’re a level higher than simple optin forms that you can create in your autoresponder service and add to your site or specific pages or posts.
There’s quite a number of ways that optin forms can be displayed on your site, from simple forms that appear at the bottom of your posts (like you see on my posts here) to bars that appear after a visitor spends a certain amount of time on a page. You’ll see that type of optin here on this site too.
You can also have opt-in forms that slide in from the top, bottom, left, right or corners of a screen (I don’t have that type on this site).
Jay goes over how to apply basic styling to an opt-in form and demonstrates how to add a form to your site or pages.
At the other side of every opt-in form is an autoresponder. These collect the email addresses (and names if you want those too) and keep them in their database. You then have exclusive access to those email addresses so that you can send out emails to them whenever you want.
This webinar was created for Wealthy Affiliate Premium members and, unfortunately, free members cannot watch it. It’s an example of the fantastic training material available to Premium members. New webinars like this are added every week and there’s a huge archive of material available to members too.
Watch the Great Opt-in Strategies Webinar Here:
Webinars In This Series
- 1. First Steps To List Building
- 2. Raising Your Blog’s Profile With Automated Promotional Email Marketing
- 3. Opt-In Strategies (this post)
- How to Write Copy That Sells: The Step-By-Step System for More Sales, to More Customers, More Often
- Aweber Autoresponder Service
Here are some additional free webinars, from other sources, about email marketing and list building:
Let me know if this optin form webinar and the additional email marketing strategy webinars have been of use to you. If you’ve any questions about them or about email marketing in general, please leave a comment below…

All the best,
Gary Nugent
Check out my Instagram posts and reels here:
Follow me (@garynugentmentoring) on Instagram
P.S.: Don't forget, if you want to create an internet income of your own, here's one of my recommended ways to do that:

I love Jay’s webinars! He presents everything in ways that are easy to understand. I found his series on list building to be very helpful.
Yeah, Anita, it’s always a pleasure to watch someone who really knows their stuff explaining it with ease. And Jay’s webinars are pure information. They’re not long infomercials for some product or service at the end of the webinar. There’s the Q&A session at the end and then it’s goodbye viewers, see you next time.
I’m not a premium member, so I was unable to check out the video. I can see that it would contain very useful information 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
You’re absolutely right, Tara. I’d thought this webinar (and the others in this series) were available to Free Wealthy Affiliate members, so my bad. Thanks for setting me straight. I’ve updated to posts to alert people to the fact that only Premium Wealthy Affiliate members can watch these particular webinars.
I agree, the hardest thing to do in this day and age is to get someone to subscribe to an email list, lol. There are just so many people out there abusing forms of contact that most people think horror when they see that opt-in box. That being said, it’s still necessary and it’s still beneficial, if executed properly. Looks like some really great info being shared in the webinar and since I am a premium member… I think I’ll check this one out. Cheers!
Hey, Sherman, thanks for taking the time to comment. People don’t believe that email marketing is still the most profitable way to make money online. They think email is old-hat, and that social media’s where it’s at. But people have the attention span of a gnat when on social media. Too many things to look at to maintain focus. Emails are free of all that digital noise so readers are free to concentrate on the message they’re reading. Yeah, Wealthy Affiliate is a great resource for training material. I keep find gems in its huge archive! 🙂
Can you really make money by email marketing? I keep on getting an email that says wake up to money. You can make up to $300 a day. I don’t know if that’s legit or not. I love the layout of your website. You have lots of content and lots of pics. It really looks out at you. It makes you want to read it.
Hi Bigrog. Yes, you can make money with email marketing. It’s the only sure-fire way to get repeat customers and once people sign up to your list, you can mail them repeatedly.
However, as I mention in this post, you should not bombard your subscribers with offer after offer. Provide them with a lot of valuable and useful information too so that they have a reason to remain as subscribers.
Yes, you can make $300 per day. Is anyone specifically likely to make $300 per day? No, not off the bat. For that you need the right training (go to Wealthy Affiliate for that) and an investment of time and money (for tools and courses and, possibly, advertising).
Email subject lines like you mentioned are designed to get you to open the emails and read their content. And the email is then designed to get you to open a webpage followed by your wallet.
To build a sustainable online business, one that would provide enough security to let you quit your day job will take time. Depending on how successful you become, you can make $50, $100, $300 or $1,000 a day. But it won’t happen overnight. You should be suspicious of anything that guarantees you’ll make that amount of money in a short time if you just follow their system.
Training courses should not remain static though many do. Others just regurgitate old strategies and information. The internet marketing landscape changes too quickly and a static course will go out of date very quickly. You need a course that gets updated with new methods and information on a continuous basis. That’s something Wealthy Affiliate does very, very well. It’s why it’s survived for 14 years when almost every other affiliate marketing training course has come and gone over that time.
Beware of fads and quick-fix solutions that are offered. If any alarm bells ring about the claims made in an email (or online), do some research on the person behind the product. Just remember that no product, course or service is perfect and there will always be people who describe bad experiences. You’ll be able to tell from reviews and such whether a product is overhyped or it’s worth investing in.
BTW, thanks for the positive feedback on my site! 🙂