You spend a fair amount of time writing your blog posts. But that’s only half the work you need to do. The rest of your time is or should be spent promoting your posts so that they rank higher in the search engines. How would you like to use automated promotional email marketing to send new post notifications to your subscribers and have them actually read that email?
Broadcasting awesome email announcements when you publish a new post on your blog is a fantastic way to make your list grow and drive more traffic to your blog.
Today’s webinar is all about that. Here’s what’s covered in the training:
- Overview of the previous webinar: 1st Steps To List Building
- How blog broadcasting (visually) works.
- Sending Automatically vs Manually.
- Finding the RSS Feed URL on your blog.
- Tracking your results – how many people are opening your emails and how many are reading them.
- Let’s Get Started with a LIVE example!
- Q&A Session
The webinar is provided by Wealthy Affiliate and you have to be a member to watch the webinar. However, you can sign up as a free member so there’s no financial commitment to watch this. You can remain a free member as long as you want.
This webinar was created for Wealthy Affiliate Premium members. New webinars like this are added every week and there’s a huge archive of material available to members as well.
The webinar also looks at how you can customize your blog broadcasts to make them more friendly in tone and how you can format the content in the broadcast email so they have more punch.
If you have more than one list in the same niche, you can set up multiple blog broadcasts so that when you publish a post, it gets broadcast to the subscribers on your different lists.
Watch the Sending Your Blog Posts Webinar Here:
Webinars In This Series
- 1. First Steps To List Building
- 2. Raising Your Blog’s Profile With Automated Promotional Email Marketing (this post)
- 3. Great Optin Form Strategies For 2018 And Beyond
While the webinar focuses on using your blog’s RSS feed to send out blog posts to your list(s), you can also add your RSS feed to additional RSS syndication sites.
This only has to be done once per site you sign up with (for free). Once that’s done, those sites will pull your blog post information from your RSS feed automatically.
Here are some RSS syndication sites to look at:
- RSS Blog Directories – lists several RSS sites where you can submit your RSS feed URL
- The RSS Network
- Complete RSS (not sure if this one is still working)
Look for the Submit Feed or Suggest Feed links on these sites to submit your own site’s feed web address.
Here are some additional free webinars, from other sources, about email marketing and list building:
I hope these promotional email marketing strategy webinars have proved useful to you. If you’ve any questions about them or about email marketing in general, please leave a comment below…

All the best,
Gary Nugent
Check out my Instagram posts and reels here:
Follow me (@garynugentmentoring) on Instagram
P.S.: Don't forget, if you want to create an internet income of your own, here's one of my recommended ways to do that:

Excellent article Gary, thanks for sharing this – mailing lists is still something that elludes me and I need to learn more about it. I know that the money is in the list…so I need to get over this obstacle!
Cheers – Orion
It took me a while to get over the list building obstacle too, Orion. I relied on traffic from Google (mostly) to my sites and to make sales from them. Then Google went and changed their algorithms and my traffic started to dry up. This is what happens when you rely on another service to keep your business alive. However, you own your list. If Google died tomorrow, you’d still have your list and be able to market them. And you’d still have your core business that isn’t at the mercy of the whims of some third-party service like a search engine. When that finally sank into my brain, that was my light-bulb moment where mailing lists were concerned.
Hi Gary,
I totally agree with your advice that when it comes to blogging half your time should be spent on creating content and the other half of your time should be spent on promoting your posts so that it gets more website visitors.
With my email list, getting my head around Sending Automatically vs Manually really made a difference to my website and how I communicate with people on my list with better conversions.
Great tips, thanks for sharing.
Yeah, it’s all about working smarter, not harder. 🙂