Email List Building Techniques List Building Techniques Viral Video Marketing – How To Build An Email List The Fast Way

Viral Video Marketing – How To Build An Email List The Fast Way

Viral Video Marketing – How To Build An Email List The Fast Way post thumbnail image

If you’re neglecting video marketing when promoting your business, offers, squeeze pages and landing pages, then it’s time to think again! Want to know how to build an email list the fast way? Use the power of viral video marketing!

I mentioned in my Content Samurai review that ranking videos in the search engines is far easier to do than ranking websites with all the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) headaches that go with that.

“Websites” in this context also means landing pages and squeeze pages which are frequently hosted on their own domains rather than being pages on a pre-existing domain.

If you thought creating appealing videos was too time-consuming, required a mini-studio or you simply don’t want to appear on camera yourself, then Content Samurai solves that problem for you.

Traffic from videos is some of the easiest and most targeted you’ll be able to get. And it’s all free.

Upload your videos to YouTube and it will market the videos for you.

Here’s a video I created in Content Samurai to advertise the newsletter for this site showing some of these techniques in action:

Take the time to write good video titles and descriptions and select the right tags for your videos, and they can rank highly on Page 1 of Google for your keywords. Google owns YouTube after all!

75% of businesses who have done web video marketing report that those videos have been well worth the time and cost of production. And they’ve seen a substantial increase in the amount of organic traffic reaching their sites from them.

People are visual by nature. A picture is worth a thousand words, as they say. And 93% of businesses who make YouTube videos have said that they have helped people to better understand their services and products.

Here’s a free video course that shows you how to leverage the marketing power of YouTube videos (even ones you don’t own)!

The infographic below shows how both businesses and consumers reacted to viral video marketing in 2015 and, in particular, how videos influenced consumer’s buying habits. Video is even more front and center in 2018 as more and more people are buying stuff online (click the image for a larger, sharper view):

How Your Videos Can Become A Search Engine's Best Friend


All the best,

Gary Nugent

Check out my Instagram posts and reels here:

Follow me (@garynugentmentoring) on Instagram


P.S.: Don't forget, if you want to create an internet income of your own, here's one of my recommended ways to do that:

Free Training Resources

4 thoughts on “Viral Video Marketing – How To Build An Email List The Fast Way”

  1. Video Marketing should be in the toolbox for any business owner. It definitely helps when it comes to building a list. If someone let’s say likes your YouTube videos, then they’ll be more inclined to see what other stuff you have to offer.

    Drop an email subscribe link in your YouTube video description and its like an automatic mail list 🙂

    Great post!

  2. Video marketing in conjunction with blogging and using social media are all key elements of success online. You post on video marketing is good example of letting people know there are many options today. To putting one’s self out there.

    1. There’s no shortage of ways to drive traffic to your squeeze pages, Sean. Using video is particularly effective at the moment. It’s finding the time to use all the traffic generation strategies that’s the problem! 🙂

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