launch your idea and turn it into a business that you’re proud of!
If you terminate your Clickfunnels account then you will lose everything you’ve built on Clickfunnels to date.
And you can never get it back, even if you re-subscribe to Clickfunnels at a later date.
However, Clickfunnels does provide a “Pause Account” option for $9.99 per month that preserves everything you’ve built but you aren’t able to access it to edit things.
Your funnels will also effectively go offline so you won’t be able to have people sign up through the landing and optin pages that you’ve built.
Your pages will display but they’ll be dimmed and inactive and this box will appear over your pages:
You can un-pause your account at any time by paying the full monthly fee again and all your pages and funnels will be returned to active status and you’ll be able to edit them again and create new pages and funnels.
Bear in mind that billing is done on your regular renewal date so if you unpause your account just after a billing date, you’ll be billed $97 (for the Basic account) PLUS the pro-rata amount for the number of days your account in active in the current month.
If that’s not clear, let’s say that you regularly get billed on the 28th of a month and you’re now one week past your last billing date. That leaves 23 days until your next billing date. You unpause your account but you don’t pay anything today. When the next billing period comes along, you’ll be billed $97 + 23 x ($97/30) = $97 + $74.37 = $171.36.
So the best time to unpause an account is the day before your next billing date.
Otherwise you’re going to face a bill you weren’t expecting.
The reason that it happens this way is because Clickfunnels bills in advance, so you’re paying for the upcoming month, not the month that’s just gone.
You can pause your account again and again if you need to. – there’s no limitation on that.
But doing that multiple times during a billing period is not something I’ve tried and I don’t know how that would affect your bills.
I originally answered this question on Quora.

All the best,
Gary Nugent
Check out my Instagram posts and reels here:
Follow me (@garynugentmentoring) on Instagram
P.S.: Don't forget, if you want to create an internet income of your own, here's one of my recommended ways to do that: