Email List Building Techniques Product Reviews An Introduction To The WebTalk Social CRM

An Introduction To The WebTalk Social CRM

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What Is WebTalk?

The official description is: “Webtalk is a global big data software technology company focused on relationship-based data mining, storage and search technologies to power the next generation communication and commerce utility“.

In more understandable wording, WebTalk  is a new social media platform that promises to combine the best features of Facebook and LinkedIn and to offer improvements where the other platforms have issues.

Another way to look at it is this: imagine if Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Amazon, Shopify, Freelancer, Yelp, Salesforce and Angieslist had a baby, and that baby had all of the pros and none of the cons…that’s WebTalk.

It is what’s called Social CRM (Social Contact Relationship Management) and the system has a patent pending here.

With the platform you can…

  • Connect personally, professionally or both ways to segregate your networks
  • Add searchable tags, labels, notes and network values for your closest relationships and prospects
  • Get CRM contact folders and a file tree for all types of relationships, personal and business

This 6-minute video explains the new platform and demonstrates a few features:

Webtalk has been in development since 2010 and was originally released as a Beta in late 2018.

This is WebTalk’s structure:

WebTalk Structure

The platform allows you to organize your contacts and followers – keep friends, family, and colleagues segregated and organized.

Like Facebook, it has a newsfeed where you can share your updates but you have full control of it:

  • Filter news by contact groups, media types and keywords to find the news you want fast
  • Post any type of file or media to targeted audiences to build and maintain relationships
  • Syndicate your news to LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter & Slack at the same time.
  • Filter news based on contact values (inner vs outer circles)​

Joining WebTalk

Even though WebTalk was launched in 2018, it’s still in Beta and so is not open to the general public.

You have to be invited to the platform by one of the current members.

Here is my personal invitation that you can use to get access. It’s free to become a member.

After you join Webtalk, you should set up your profile fully, otherwise you won’t qualify for the affiliate program (more on that below).

You’ll have to add a profile photo, fill out the “About Me” section, add information about your education and experience, choose several interests.

In addition, you must have at least 10 connections, be it your referrals or other people you know who already have joined Webtalk. You can always connect with other random or suggested members to get past this step.

The WebTalk Affiliate Program – Earning Cash Rewards

The promise of the Webtalk founders is to share up to 50% of the revenue with the members.

Beta-affiliates will receive 10% of the revenue generated by 5 levels of their referral network for LIFE.

The members that will join after the Beta is closed will receive 10% on their direct referrals only.

So that’s an incentive to sign up sooner rather than later.

In order to qualify for cash rewards, you need to complete your profile, apply to the cash rewards program and link a payment account.

Currently, only Stripe and Payoneer can be used for payouts.

WebTalk Cash Rewards Program

This video explains how the Cash Rewards program works:

How much you actually earn will depend on your own recruiting efforts.

The weakness here is if that you struggle to recruit people to any program you promote, you’ll struggle here too.

Is $111,110 per month attainable?

Yes, certainly.

Are you likely to earn that much per month?

In all honesty, no.

Even if you’re good at recruiting people, there’s no guarantee that your referrals will be, or that they’ll even be interested in this aspect of WebTalk.

And that’s the same 5 levels deep.

You could hit a jackpot where someone in your downline is a genius at recruiting others but, again, since people like this are rare, the likelihood is that you won’t end up with someone like this.

WebTalk provides a real service with a tacked on affiliate program rather than the other way round.

You don’t need to buy the service to use it and promote it which is how some other multi-level marketing systems work.

I’ve only been a member for a couple of weeks so have no earnings to report.

The WebTalk Ad Rewards Pool

Every time you post and comment on the platform, you earn points.

You earn points other ways too:

From Your Activity

  • Time on Site
  • Posts
  • Likes
  • Comments
  • Shares
  • Referrals

From Your Post Engagement

At the time of writing, in March, I’ve earned 261 points but I’ve only been using WebTalk intermittently.

I didn’t quite get how points converted into revenue.

So, poking around for information on this, I found this video which explains how the WebTalk Ad Rewards Pool works and how it provides a way to earn money without having to join the affiliate program.

Here are my Ad Rewards Pool stats for March:

WebTalk Ad Rewards

The “Whole Pie” for this month is $1,000. That seems very low for the revenue WebTalk must be earning but maybe it’s due to the platform still being in Beta testing.

If I eventually earn 1,000 points by the end of the month, I’ll have one pie slice which will earn me just under $0.01.

Hardly anything to write home about.

But it’s still one cent more than any other social network pays me for using their platform.

There is a lot of potential for earning income in the Ad Rewards Pool but you need to be realistic.

Use the Income Calculator on their upgrade page and play with the numbers to see what kind of realistic income you could make.

WebTalk Upgrades

Speaking of upgrades, while it’s free to join WebTalk, there are two paid plans available that offer additional features:

WebTalk Plans

Most people who upgrade seem to opt for the $200/year Pro plan.

You’d only need the Pro Platinum plan if you’re a heavy-hitter marketer.

WebTalk – In Conclusion

I get a few new followers each day – these are people who’ve read my posts and liked what they saw.

They’re like followers on any other social platform.

But as the number of my followers increases, so will the shares of my posts, likes and comments on them.

And so my earned points will increase.

Over time, as I get more followers, I can expect to generate more and more points each month.

And the more active I am in posting, commenting on and engaging with others’ posts, again the more points I will earn.

And that, ultimately, converts into money.

For doing something I do anyway on Facebook and Twitter every day without being paid.

So is it worth joining?

Well, it’s free to join and use.

How much money I earn going forward remains to be seen but, if nothing else, WebTalk is yet another source of leads I can direct to my offers and sales funnels.

And that’s something every marketer needs.


All the best,

Gary Nugent

Check out my Instagram posts and reels here:

Follow me (@garynugentmentoring) on Instagram


P.S.: Don't forget, if you want to create an internet income of your own, here's one of my recommended ways to do that:

Free Training Resources

4 thoughts on “An Introduction To The WebTalk Social CRM”

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