Email List Building Techniques Ask Gary Can You Recommend Affiliate Marketing Promotion Tools That Will Promote My Affiliate Links?

Can You Recommend Affiliate Marketing Promotion Tools That Will Promote My Affiliate Links?

Can You Recommend Affiliate Marketing Promotion Tools That Will Promote My Affiliate Links? post thumbnail image

Can You Recommend Affiliate Marketing Promotion Tools That Will Promote My Affiliate Links?

There are certainly services that will put your links in front of others but I wouldn’t recommend them.

These services typically are not free and they usually promote your links to other people who also use those services.

These are things like traffic exchanges, safelists and online services where you can email ads to other members or post ads on the main site.
What you end up with is a group of affiliate marketers all trying to sell to each other with hardly anyone looking to buy – it’s the wrong audience.

Solo Ads

Solo Ads

Other promotional methods like solo ads, that you pay for, will promote your links to a set number of people, depending on the number of clicks you buy.

You don’t know how the seller got the emails of the people he sells you access to, or what size his/her list(s) is/are or how frequently s/he emails them with other people’s offers.

So it’s best to ask a solo ads seller these questions before you place an order, and hope that they give you honest answers.

Looking at the comments other buyers have made about how many clicks they received, how many of those ended up adding people to their list and what, if any sales they made will give you a good idea of who’s a good seller and who isn’t.

Nevertheless, with solo ads, you can end up promoting to people who, at the very least, are getting one offer per day sent to them.

Over time they’re inundated with offers and they’ll likely start ignoring the emails they’re receiving from the seller or simply glancing at and skipping over the email subject lines.

So the best way to promote your links is to be proactive yourself.

Here’s are a couple of posts about using solo ads:

Pick A Platform And Master It

Social Media Platforms

Pick a platform to promote on and stick with that platform until you master it.

Any of the social platforms will do, but it’s a lot of work.

Content is replaced rapidly on the social network platforms, so your links won’t be in front of people for long.

The exceptions are the video sites like YouTube and TikTok where content can pick up viewers for a long time after it’s been published.
On the other hand, if you regularly post links in Facebook posts, then Facebook will reduce your reach, meaning that fewer people will see your posts than you expect.

Facebook don’t like you sending people off the platform, so they penalise you for it if you do it too much.

The best option, I think, is to create videos for YouTube or TikTok.

Your videos will always remain online.

Promoting on YouTube

YouTube Logo

YouTube has the second biggest search engine online (after Google) and people go to YouTube with intent; i.e. they use the search engine to find videos about topics they’re interested in.

Creating videos is free, if time consuming, and it will take time to build up a channel.

It will also take commitment because you need to post videos regularly for the YouTube algorithm to start noticing you and start promoting your videos for you.

Another alternative is to create video ads for YouTube .

You can target what videos your ads should appear on, even down to specific single videos.

You will have to pay for ad views but if someone skips your ad, you don’t have to pay for it.

With Facebook, you have to pay for ad displays whether the viewer looks at your ad or not.

Advertising on YouTube is also less expensive than advertising on Facebook.

There’s more on advertising on YouTube in these articles:

Promoting on TikTok

TikTok Logo

The problem with TikTok , is that you can only have one link, and that link is in your bio, not on or in the video itself.

If you add links in comments, say by commenting on your own videos, those links will not be clickable.

And no one on TikTok is going to go to the trouble of copying a text link and pasting it into a browser.

The next video for them to watch is too enticing and you’ll lose them.
So this is kind of problematic if you want to promote multiple products.

How To Brainstorm Content Ideas For TikTok

Link Solutions For TikTok

One way around this single link problem is to build a single web page that has multiple buttons or links that people can click for the product they’re interested in and you link to that page in your bio.

The Blogging Solution

If you’re a blogger, you could always create a specific page on your blog and put the link to that in your bio.

The Single Page In The Cloud Solution

Alternatively, you can use a service like LinkTree to create these kinds of pages (you can start for free).

The Link Rotator Solution

Another solution is to use a link rotator so that people who click your link get sent to one of the products you promote.

This can be a good way of testing which products get the most sales from visitors.

Link tracking services like ClickMagick and provide the ability to create link rotators.

Affiliate Linkr is a WordPress plugin that’s also a link tracker and lets you rotate up to 4 affiliate links with a single base link (this is what I use).

The AI Chatbot Solution

ConversioBot AI Chatbot Builder

And yet another way to direct people to multiple products is to use an AI chatbot (get a very special deal here ).

These are scripts you write that contain questions with predetermined answers that the visitor can select from.

Depending on their choice of answer, you can direct them to a product tailored to their response.

This is exactly what I did.

I created a chatbot that runs on its own domain that promotes 14 products based on how visitors answer questions within the chatbot:

Conversiobot Full-Page AI Chatbot

The visitor is only ever sent to one of those products at the end of the chat so they’re not inundated with choices.

They get sent to the product that is best suited to them instead.

These posts look at why you’d want to use a chatbot and how I built my first one:

The Referral Marketing Solution

UpViral Logo

Another way to promote your links is through referral marketing.

In this case you offer a free gift to people who will share your link with others.

After they send a set number of people your way, they get your gift.

You can also run quizzes, competitions and sweepstakes campaign to make thinks more interesting for your visitors.

If you’re interested in this option, you can save 50% in this special deal .

It incentivizes people to share your links:

Other Options

There are a number of resources that teach you how to find leads and drive traffic to your pages and offers:

Collecting Email Addresses And Building A List

List BuildingHowever, it’s far better if your link redirects to a landing page where you collect your visitors’ email addresses (you can do this with chatbots), rather than directly sending them to a product page or to a link rotator.

By collecting email addresses, you can market to those subscribers as many times as you want so long as they remain on your list.

All businesses (online and off) require new traffic to keep them in business.

Why put the task of getting that traffic in other people’s hands when their prime consideration is keeping their own business going, not yours?

You should always keep an eye on the quality and quantity of your traffic (leads) and where it comes from.

What you need to get are quality, targeted leads/subscribers, not just anyone who’s interested in your free gift and nothing more.

A small list with highly targeted subscribers will usually provide more sales and make more money than a large list of random people who have little interest in what you want to promote.

So choose your promotion tool wisely and, as I already mentioned, master that before spreading your wings to other platforms.

Otherwise you’ll just spread yourself too thin.



All the best,

Gary Nugent

Check out my Instagram posts and reels here:

Follow me (@garynugentmentoring) on Instagram


P.S.: Don't forget, if you want to create an internet income of your own, here's one of my recommended ways to do that:


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