Builderall As An Affiliate Marketing Opportunity

Builderall As An Affiliate Marketing Opportunity

With the imminent release of Builderall Version 6 just around the corner, I thought it was time to revisit their affiliate program and how good it is.

If you’re not familiar with Builderall, you’ll find more about the marketing platform further down in this article.

Builderall’s Commission Structure

You earn a recurring 30% commission on every membership plan you sell regardless of what that Plan level is.

Commissions on any monthly recurring plan for the user’s first month (and commissions for affiliates who have not been paid at least $250.00) will held for 35 days before becoming available for withdrawal.

Once an affiliate has been paid at least $250.00, the recurring commissions will be available after a 5-day hold.

So it does mean that you need to make at least $250 in commissions in order to get paid.

So for each plan you sell, you’ll also earn:

  • Starter Plan: $11.20 or $14.10 (WP) per month
  • Marketer Plan: $23.10 or $26.10 (WP) per month
  • Premium Plan: $26.10/mth or $29.10 (WP) per month
  • Funnel Club Plan: $59.70 + $26.10/mth or $29.10 (WP) per month

Builderall’s 2-Tier Affiliate Program

Now for the kicker – Builderall offers a 2-Tier affiliate program.

When the people you directly refer get people to sign up under them, you earn a 30% commission of their sales.

There’s no limit on the number of people you can sign up or who can sign up under your referrals.

That, potentially, could end up earning you a lot of money.

All you’d need is to refer one top recruiter and you benefit from the people they bring in.

Builderall Commission Structure 2023

Becoming An Affiliate

The only way to become an affiliate is to sign up for Builderall.

However, you can always just sign up for the affiliate program rather than having to become a paid member.

You must agree to the terms of service for the affiliate program to participate.

Funnel Club Plan subscribers are automatically approved as Pro affiliates who have exclusive access to additional funnels to promote Builderall.

Once you access the affiliate area in your account, you will see the many different tools and features that are available.

Builderall - Wherte to Find your Affiliate Link

More Information For (Potential) Affiliates

Go here for detailed information on how to become a Builderall affiliate, their commission structure and ideas on how to promote the service.

Below is a video from the Builderall Affiliate Group which gives you far more information about the affiliate program and how to promote Builderall…

About Builderall

If you’ve never heard of Builderall, it’s a suite of 47 marketing tools, all accessible from one central dashboard.

This eliminates the overhead of logging into and managing a collection of independent, separate tools and services.

The suite contains all the tools you need, including a funnel builder, a website builder, a blog builder, an autoresponder, email marketing, a chatbot builder a Booking tool and many others.

The funnel builder was introduced in early 2020 and, quite frankly, Builderall is now far better value than Clickfunnels, which I also subscribe to.

As an example, Clickfunnels don’t provide an autoresponder in their Basic Plan (the one I subscribe to) – you have to pay for the Premium Plan at $297 per month to get that.

Another example is that the Basic Clickfunnels Plan limits you to creating, at most, 20 funnels or 100 pages. There are no such restrictions at Builderall – you can create as many funnels, sites, email campaigns, etc. as you need.

So that makes it a better proposition for selling to new marketers and businesses as an affiliate.

There’s also the pricing…

Builderall Regular Pricing For 2023

Builderall Monthly Pricing Plans 2023Click the image to see the details of what’s on each Plan

Builderall WordPress Pricing For 2023

There are actually 5 plans available (non-WordPress versions):

  1. A 14-Day Trial (not shown in the image above), after which you start paying monthly for the Premium Plan and are automatically approved as an affiliate.
  2. Starter Plan – $37 per month but you can only use the Builderall site builder and link only one domain. Other tools are not available on this plan.
  3. Marketer Plan – $77 per month but access to some tools is still restricted. Automatically become an affiliate.
  4. Premium Plan – $87/mth. Full access to almost all tools. Automatically approved as an affiliate.
  5. Funnel Club – one-time $199 then $87/mth. Automatically approved as a Pro affiliate. Gives access to 600+ pre-built templates for various types of lead capture pages, funnels and chatbots.

Builderall Monthly WP Pricing Plans 2023

There are actually 5 plans available (non-WordPress and WordPress versions):

  1. A 14-Day Trial (not shown in the image above), after which you start paying monthly for the Premium Plan and are automatically approved as an affiliate.
  2. WP Starter Plan – $47 per month but you can only use the Builderall site builder and link only one domain. Other tools are not available on this plan. Automatically approved as an affiliate
  3. WP Marketer Plan – $687 per month but access to most tools is still restricted. Automatically approved as an affiliate.
  4. Premium Plan – $97/mth. Full access to all but one tools. Automatically approved as an affiliate.
  5. Funnel Club – one-time $199 then $970/mth. Automatically approved as a Pro affiliate. Gives access to 600+ pre-built templates for various types of lead capture pages, funnels and chatbots.

Sign up to Builderall through any of the links on this page and I’ll give you my bonus package when your first payment is made.

The difference between a regular affiliate and a Pro affiliate is that the Pros have exclusive access to a large number of funnels for Builderall and its plans.

It’s tempting to try to draw people in by offering them the Free Trial plan, but lots of testing has shown that retention rates on those plans are low.

Essentially, they attract freebie-seekers and tyre-kickers who never have any intention of spending money on business expenses.

The best plan to promote as an affiliate is the Funnel Club.

There’s a 90-95% retention rate on that plan because people who get it are serious about their business and they have “skin in the game”.

You can also offer bonuses as a sweetener to help people decide to buy through your link rather than someone else’s.

That’s what I’ve done on my own Builderall Bonuses page (I used Commission Gorilla to create the page and the bonus delivery page).

Mega Bonus Package For Builderall

Builderall also created and released a 34-Day course all about email marketing which can be used to promote Builderall.

As an affiliate, you can send people directly to the course and earn commissions from anyone who joins Builderall from it.

Or you could send people to a lead capture page where you offer the course in exchange for their email address.

Check out the free email marketing course here.

I’ve even added an attention bar to my Builderall Bonus Page that links out to that free course.

Builderall Build Your Email List Challenge

Builderall expects to at least double and perhaps triple it’s membership numbers in in the coming couple of years.

So now is a great time to sign up as an affiliate.

Free Courses From Builderall


All the best,

Gary Nugent

Check out my Instagram posts and reels here:

Follow me (@garynugentmentoring) on Instagram


P.S.: Don't forget, if you want to create an internet income of your own, here's one of my recommended ways to do that:



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  1. I’ve come across builderall before, and it certainly looks like a great a great platform to promote, with so many features. Affiliate marketers could earn big commissions with the two tier program, and I would definitely promote the Funnel Club. As you rightly said, $1 trials only seem to mostly attract tyre kickers, or those who’d join for 1 month then cancel their membership.

    • Yeah, Kathy, looking at the feedback in the Builderall affiliates FB group, the consensus is that the $1 aren’t worth the effort of promoting due to the high churn rate.

      A new Builder Plan has been added which costs a lower $29.99 per month. There are some restrictions on what you can do in this Plan but most of the tools are available. It’s a good option for those on a tight budget with the option to upgrade later if needed.

  2. Hey Gary
    This is really interesting. I must admit, I always think of Clickfunnels as being the ‘Rolls Royce’ of funnels, but it certainly comes at a Rolls Royce price! I have never investigated it very closely as I am not at a point in my journey where I could afford it.

    However, I will take a closer look at Builderall as it may work out cost-effective compared with the other bits and bobs I am paying for.


    P.S. Will check out some of your email list-building content as that is not my strong suit!

    • Hi Jean, I first signed up for Clickfunnels about 2 years ago on the recommendation of my mentor, Zach Crawford. They also had a great 2-Tier affiliate program paying recurring 40% commissions on your direct referrals’ fees and 5% recurring on their referrals.

      But, due to some bad practices by some some of their affiliates, Clickfunnels had to change their affiliate program. They completely did away with the 2nd-tier, recurring 5% commission and dropped the commissions on direct referrals to 20% for new affiliates. Existing affiliate retained their 40% commission level.

      That made promoting Clickfunnels less lucrative all round and what I’ve found is that the retention rate of customers is very low. I think a lot of people who subscribe come to the conclusion that it’s too expensive for what it offers.

      At the time I joined Clickfunnels, I heard about Builderall and took a look at it. The one tool I was looking for, it didn’t have – a funnel builder. At first glance, it looked like cheap Clickfunnels wannabe. And you had to be a member to be an affiliate.

      All that changed with the release of Builderall 4 in October 2020. New tools including a dedicated funnel builder, upgraded tools, an integrated autoresponder, the ability to create an unlimited amount of pages, sites, funnels, chatbots, etc. and a 2-Tier affiliate program that pays recurring 30% commissions on both tiers that is free to join.

      While Clickfunnels definitely has “Rolls Royce” pricing, I don’t think what’s under the hood is anything special now. That was the case when the company was launched in 2014, but it uses what I consider to be an outdated design technology – building pages with blocks – and hasn’t moved with the times.

      As I mentioned in the review above, I have to pay an additional fee for the Aweber autoresponder just to do email marketing with Clickfunnels.

      And with that additional fee factored in, Builderall which has its own autoresponder, is about half the price and has 40+ other tools that Clickfunnels doesn’t.

      If you have any questions on list building, let me know and I’ll do my best to answer them.

  3. Hi Gary, this is a great review. I just have a few questions. It talks about signing up and the packages and having access to the tools, but what would I actually be doing once I sign up and have everything I need? How much time does the average affiliate invest each week to make this successful? This definitely sounds like something I’d be interested in. I just need to know what is involved after signing up.
    Thanks so much!

    • Hi Jamie, thanks for the feedback. Getting set up as an affiliate is as simple as signing up for an account (even a free one), logging into that, clicking the “Affiliate” link at the top right of the page and then grabbing your affiliate link to promote with.

      If you don’t know much or anything about Builderall itself, then take a look at this page. It shows you the many ways that you can use Builderall.

      If you’re a Builderall Pro affiliate (which you get approved as if you sign up for the Funnel Club Plan), you get access to about 15 optin pages and funnels you can also use to market Builderall.

      But, if you’re not a Pro affiliate, you can still send people to Builderall’s main page with your affiliate link.

      I find that the best way to be able to promote any tool or service is to be able to talk about it authoritatively. And you get that by owning and using such tools yourself.

      If you have any of the paid Plans, you can always create your own optin page to capture email addresses using Builderall’s page builder. You’d have to create an email sequence to send out to your email subscribers talking about various aspects of Builderall. The idea being to convince them over time of how good Builderall is and why they need it for their business.

      After that it’s down to promoting Builderall itself on all the usual platforms.

      But as I mentioned at the top of this comment, the best way to spread the word is to talk about how you use Builderall yourself, either in blog posts or in videos.

      As an example, check out this other post I wrote: Why I’m Dumping Clickfunnels As A Funnel Builder

      I’d also recommend that you create a bonus package to offer potential customers to set yourself apart from other affiliates. I’ve created one for Builderall here myself using Commission Gorilla which makes creating these pages and the bonus delivery pages easy.

      If you need bonuses, check out this post: Lead Magnets And Bonuses – Where Can You Get Them To Help Build Your Email List?

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